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The newsletter from the
Alliance to Save Energy

February 2002 Vol. 4 No. 2




- Senate Energy Bill To Be Introduced
- Alliance Achieves Priorities in Tax Initiatives Package Mark-up
- Alliance to Save Energy Analyzes President Bush's Second Budget
- ACEEE'S Green Book Helps Consumers Find Eco-Friendly 2002 Model Year Cars,

- Helps Consumers Save Money Through State Incentive


- CBS's '60 Minutes' Asks Alliance President Nemtzow 'Who's to Blame for 21
Year Low in Auto Fuel Efficiency, Keeping America Hooked on Mideast Oil?'

- Alliance's Program Director Bill Prindle Moving to ACEEE
- Alliance Award Nomination Form Now Online


- Earth Technologies Forum Program on Web
- Demand-Response Programs Seminar, March 7-8, Houston, Tex
- Call for Papers for EEMODS 2002 September 18-20, Treviso, Italy
- CEC's Environment Fund Issues Continent-wide Call for Proposals, Focus:
Energy, Sustainable Development


- Alliance Mourns Sood R. Na Phuket
- Energy Job Openings



Senate Energy Bill To Be Introduced

Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chair Jeff Bingaman (D-NM) and
Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) are to introduce a revised Energy Policy
Act of 2002, and the Senate is posed to begin debate when senators return to
D.C. the week of February 25th, following the President's Day recess. This
updated version of the Energy Policy Act supersedes the Daschle-Bingaman
bill introduced last year, and now includes contributions from the Senate
Finance Committee, extending and expanding tax incentives for energy
efficiency, renewable energy, and fossil fuel production. It also includes
provisions from Senators Ernest Hollings (D-SC) and John Kerry (D-MA)
increasing the fuel efficiency of the nation's vehicle through higher
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.

Visit the policy section of the Alliance's web site:


Alliance Achieves Priorities in Tax Initiatives Package Mark-up

A new bill has been reported out of the Senate Finance Committee that
includes tax incentives for existing new homes, commercial buildings,
appliances, efficient vehicles, combined heat and power, and stationary fuel
cells. Originally dropped from the package as too expensive, intensive
advocacy by the Alliance and a coalition of industries - including
insulation, windows and homebuilders - got the existing-home provision,
reinserted at the 11th hour. Senators Olympia Snowe (R-ME) and Jeff
Bingaman (D-NM) led the successful effort to work with Finance Committee
Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) and Majority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD).

The win was compounded by the addition of the air conditioner, heat pump,
and water heater credits, that were inserted hastily early this week to make
up for what was a lack of benefits for home-owners in the overall package.

Read a chart detailing the new tax incentives:


Alliance to Save Energy Analyzes President Bush's Second Budget

President Bush released his fiscal year 2003 budget request on February 5.
The proposed Department of Energy budget for energy-efficiency overall will
remain roughly flat at $904.3 million, a 1 percent cut from current levels-a
long way, the Alliance notes, since last year's proposed deep cuts,
including the 30 percent cuts in efficiency R&D. The request for the
Environmental Protection Agency's Energy Star program will also remain
relatively flat.

Study the Alliance's budget matrix:

Read a statement by Alliance President David Nemtzow:

Department of Energy budget tables:

Line items for DOE-Interior:

Full budget request:


ACEEE'S Green Book Helps Consumers Find Eco-Friendly 2002 Model Year Cars, Trucks

The American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) released the
fifth edition of its groundbreaking consumer guide, ACEEE's Green Book(TM):
The Environmental Guide to Cars & Trucks - Model Year 2002. "Every new
passenger car, pickup truck, SUV, and minivan sold in the United States is
evaluated with both an overall 'Green Score' and a class ranking," stated
co-author James Kliesch, a Research Associate in ACEEE's Transportation
Program. "This allows car buyers to compare vehicles not only alongside
their peers but also across vehicle classes."

Read more:

-------------------------------- Helps Consumers Save Money Through State Incentive

Homeowners may be eligible for state or utility sponsored incentive programs
that can help save even more money on installing home insulation. The
Simply Insulate website provides detailed information on what programs are
available in each state, including eligibility requirements, incentive
amounts, and how to begin redeeming incentives. In addition to complete
incentive information, Simply Insulate includes other helpful resources that
can teach homeowners everything they need to know about upgrading home




CBS's 60 Minutes Asks Alliance President Nemtzow 'Who's to Blame for 21
Year Low in Auto Fuel Efficiency, Keeping America Hooked on Mideast Oil?'

The February 10 broadcast of 60 Minutes revealed that the nation is hooked
on Mideast oil, while new technologies are available that significantly
increase automobile fuel efficiency. But these technologies are not being
used in many models; 60 Minutes asked Alliance President David Nemtzow who
was to blame.

Nemtzow responded "Consumers are not off the hook, and neither is Detroit.
But the blame really has to lie in Washington, DC. This is a national
problem. We put troops into harm's way. We spend billions of dollars a year
protecting the flow of oil into this country. That's a national problem, and
Washington, DC, should be requiring the automakers to do better."

Read more:

Alliance fact sheet supporting increases in fuel economy and tax incentives
for highly efficient vehicles:

Also: The Alliance and other energy and environmental organizations prepared
a briefing book for Capitol Hill, "The Fastest, Cheapest, Cleanest Way To
Reduce Oil Dependence: Increasing America's Fuel Economy":


Alliance's Program Director Bill Prindle Moving to ACEEE

After two distinct tours of duty with the Alliance to Save Energy-one in the
1980s, and the other in the 90s to 2002-Buildings and Utilities Program
Leader Bill Prindle is moving to become the Deputy Director American Council
for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE). Prindle leaves a legacy of
accomplishment in the buildings and utilities field, including major wins in
the regulatory arena such as codes and standards, innovation in market
transformation programs such as introducing energy efficiency to the green
power movement, and building successful public-private partnerships such as
the Efficient Windows Collaborative.

David Nemtzow remarked "Bill Prindle is a superb professional, with both a
wonderful depth and breadth of talent. He's also a great colleague, who
makes our jobs more rewarding and enjoyable. He has made our nation more
energy efficient and the Alliance more successful - even though he will just
be down the block he will be greatly missed and the Alliance will be the
lesser for his departure."


Alliance Award Nomination Form Now Online

The Alliance to Save Energy is still seeking suggestions for domestic or
international nominees to receive the organization's 2002 Star of Energy
Efficiency Awards. These prestigious awards are given annually to an
individual or organization that has significantly furthered the cause of
energy efficiency in the previous year. Because 2002 represents the
Alliance's 25th Silver Anniversary, nominees are sought who have made an
extraordinary contribution to energy efficiency. Awardees will be chosen by
a panel of distinguished energy professionals from among those nominations
received. Awardees will be formally recognized at a black tie dinner -
Evening with the Stars of Energy Efficiency in early autumn.

You may now submit online at:


Earth Technologies Forum Program on Web

The Earth Technologies Forum, the conference on ozone protection and climate
change will be held March 25-27 at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill,
Washington, DC. Special events this year include a confirmed keynote
address by Christine Todd Whitman, EPA Administrator; an EPA Climate
Leader's Summit; and an Executive Summit entitled, "Building Air
Conditioning Investment: Save Money and Protect the Environment."

The Earth Technologies Forum preliminary program is now on the web at

Visit the web to view the whole program and register. Programs will also be
mailed soon.

To ensure that you receive a copy, please email,
or call 703-807-4052 to request a copy.


Demand-Response Programs Seminar, March 7-8, Houston, Tex

Retain Customers, Sell Surplus Output and Minimize Capacity Constraints
Using Technologies while Allowing Optimal Return on Investment

Read more:

More information, registration:
Phone 800-817-8601; 781-939-2438

FAX 781-939-2490
Wes site:


Call for Papers for EEMODS 2002 September 18-20, Treviso, Italy

The European Commission and the University of L'Aquila will organize the 3rd
International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems
(EEMODS) '02. The conference will provide a forum to discuss and debate the
latest developments in energy and environmental impact of electrical motor
systems, the policies and programs adopted and planned, the technical and
commercial advances and the dissemination and penetration of energy
efficient motor systems.

More information:

Paolo Bertoldi
European Commission - JRC
tel. +39 0332 78 9299 (secretary 9145)
fax. +39 0332 78 9992
mobile +39 328 918 7189


CEC's Environment Fund Issues Continent-wide Call for Proposals, Focus:
Energy, Sustainable Development

The North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC) issued a
call for proposals for community-based projects seeking funds from the
organization's North American Fund for Environmental Cooperation (NAFEC).
Grantees will also contribute to CEC's effort to answer the question: "What
policies are needed to ensure that the transformation of the electricity
market promotes sustainable development; that it generates both
environmental and economic benefits?"

Grant proposals must be received by NAFEC prior to 1 April 2002. Further
information on applying for funds, as well as a list of previous grants, may
be found on the CEC web site,, under the heading Grants
for Environmental Cooperation.


Alliance Mourns Sood R. Na Phuket

The Alliance to Save Energy mourns the recent passing of both a friend and a
champion of energy efficiency in Thailand. Sood R. Na Phuket died January
25, 2002, while on vacation in New Zealand. Most recently, Sood's
activities included work to complete his MBA and efforts to promote both the
development of energy efficiency labeling and appliance standards in
Southeast Asia and a Thai business council for energy efficiency. For those
who would like to express their condolences to Sood's family, His brother
Pat has set up a special memorial web site for sood at He will be deeply missed by his friends and
colleagues alike.

Energy Job Openings

Alliance to Save Energy
Director of Buildings and Utilities Programs

The Alliance is searching for an experienced and outstanding leader in the
energy efficiency community to direct our buildings and utilities programs.
This is a wonderful opportunity for a person who wants to have a positive
impact on national energy policy and work with a great bunch of people. The
person is the organization's lead expert on buildings and utilities issues
and often appears in the television, radio and print media. The position is
one of the most important at the Alliance and the person serves as a key
team leader and participates on the organization's management committee, in
addition to managing an outstanding staff and programs, all the while making
a substantive contribution to issues of personal interest.

Vermont Energy Investment Corporation
Project Manager

Duties: Manages energy efficiency projects in commercial and industrial
buildings. Provides technical & financial analysis of energy measures in
large and small industrial, commercial and institutional buildings. Works
directly w/ building owners, developers, architects, engineers, contractors
and managers.

* Bachelor's degree in engineering, environmental science, or a similar
combination of education and experience. Mechanical or electrical engineer
or CEM preferred.
* Experience in building energy analysis in complex buildings and
understanding of building performance and its relation to energy consumption
and quality of life in the built environment.
* Strong project management skills.

Please send cover letter and resumes to VEIC Recruitment, 255 S. Champlain
St., Burlington, VT 05401 or via email to EOE

More on Vermont Energy Investment Corporation:


Need to reach someone at the Alliance to Save Energy? Check out our staff listings by name and by area of expertise.

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Gadi Nevo Ben-Yehuda, Editor,

David Nemtzow, Publisher,

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This page was updated March 19, 2002
The Alliance to Save Energy
1200 18th Street, NW, Suite 900
Washington, DC 20036
Phone: 202/857-0666    Fax: 202/331-9588