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Kolbes Record is Extreme
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Rex Scott
October 30, 2002

When I was a little boy, I believed in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus. As I grew older, I abandoned my belief in those comforting myths. This year, at the "advanced" age of 39, I have jettisoned another soothing fable: that Arizona Congressman Jim Kolbe is a moderate within the increasingly right-wing Republican Party.

Kolbe has consistently voted for voucher programs for private and religious schools and has also voted against funding to decrease class sizes and modernize school buildings. He also has an inconsistent record of support for funding for Head Start. No wonder that most pro-public education organizations do not endorse Kolbe's re-election.

In the environmental arena, Kolbe's record is even worse. He has voted to allow oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge while also voting to slash the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency.  Other votes include refusing to call for an increase in the 20-year-old fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks and opposing a measure that would have reduced the levels of arsenic in drinking water.  Kolbe also voted for increased tax breaks for oil and gas producers while also opposing increased funding for the development of renewable energy resources. No surprise that he receives a favorable rating of 14 percent from the League of Conservation Voters.


[Excerpt - Arizona Star]

Press Releases
Momentum Growing in Opposition to Leavitt as EPA Nominee (10/17/03)
LCV President Deb Callahan Praises Sen. Lautenberg for 'Principaled' Stand on Leavitt Nomination (10/15/03)
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Presidential Ecospeak (10/18/03)
Sen. Lautenberg's Statement on Leavitt's Nomination (10/15/03)


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