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Support the Gorton-Feinstein-Bryan Clean Car Resolution
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United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510

Re: Support the Gorton-Feinstein-Bryan Clean Car Resolution 

Dear Senator:

The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) is the nonpartisan, political voice of the national environmental movement. Each year, LCV publishes the National Environmental Scorecard, which details the voting records of Members of Congress on environmental legislation. The Scorecard is distributed to LCV members, concerned voters nationwide and the press.

When the Senate considers the FY 2000 Transportation Appropriations bill, the League of Conservation Voters urges you to support a Clean Car Resolution, which Senators Gorton (R-WA), Feinstein (D-CA) and Bryan (D-NV) plan to introduce.

The Clean Car Resolution calls on the Senate not to recede to a House-proposed rider in the Transportation Appropriations Bill that prohibits the Department from increasing automotive miles per gallon (CAFE) standards. The CAFE freeze rider blocks implementation of the most effective energy savings measures Congress has ever adopted.

By preventing the Transportation Department from improving CAFE standards, the rider denies Americans the benefits of existing fuel saving technologies. While the standard for passenger cars is 27.5 mpg, the CAFE standard for light trucks, which are predominantly used as passenger vehicles, is only 20.7 mpg. These gas-guzzlers comprise nearly 50% of the new vehicle market, driving up demand for oil and increasing pollution.

The rider blocks new miles per gallon standards that would build upon the substantial oil and consumer savings as well as pollution reductions of the existing standards. The existing CAFE standards save more than 3 million barrels of oil every day. They reduce pollution by eliminating 500,000 tons per year of upstream carcinogenic hydrocarbon emissions and by keeping millions of tons of carbon dioxide, a global warming gas, out of the atmosphere.

We can cost-effectively and safely raise fuel economy standards using existing technology. The CAFE law provides guidance to the Department of Transportation in considering higher CAFE standards. It requires the Department to consider technical feasibility, economic practicability, the effect of other Federal motor vehicle standards on fuel economy, and the need to conserve energy. A rulemaking process considering these factors will provide ample opportunity for the auto industry to protect their interests.

As the Senate considers the FY 2000 Transportation Appropriations bill, the League of Conservation Voters urges you to support Sens. Gorton, Feinstein and Bryan's efforts to clean up America's automobiles. LCV will consider votes on these issues when compiling its Scorecard. Please address any questions to Betsy Loyless at 202-785-8683.


Deb Callahan


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