Natural Resources Defense Council * Sierra Club * U.S. Public Interest Research Group

For Immediate Release:
March 28, 2002

Contact: Liz Hitchcock, U.S. PIRG (202) 546-9707
David Willett, Sierra Club (202) 675-6698
Rob Perks, NRDC (202) 289-6868

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Senate Fails The Grade On Energy Bill Votes: Key Tests To Come On Arctic Refuge Protection And Sound Energy Policy

The Senate has failed to make the grade with votes so far on a national energy bill, according to a new energy report released today by a coalition of environmental groups including the U.S. Public Interest Research Group, Sierra Club, Natural Resources Defense Council and Defenders of Wildlife.

"With key tests yet to come on drilling in the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, protecting families and other energy policies, the Senate has so far failed to make the grade for a smarter, cleaner, and more secure energy future," said Sierra Club Legislative Director Debbie Sease.

"The Senate energy bill began as a promising step toward a smarter, cleaner energy future, and a far cry from the dirty, dangerous House energy bill and Bush/Cheney energy plan, which were written by the polluters, for the polluters. Unfortunately, in vote after vote, the Senate bill has been plundered by the auto, oil and nuclear industry," said U.S. PIRG Legislative Director Anna Aurilio. "The Senate left for Spring Break with a bill that fails to reduce our dependence on imported oil, fails to increase our nation's energy security, fails to protect energy consumers, and fails to safeguard our environment," she added

"Now more than ever, the Senate's responsibility is to ensure America's energy security. Unfortunately, while the Senate energy bill started off with high marks, right now it flunks every test," said NRDC Legislative Director Alyssondra Campaigne.

At a minimum, forward-thinking energy legislation should reduce consumption of oil by at least one million barrels a day, guarantee that at least 10 percent of electricity supplies come from new clean renewable energy, cut subsidies to polluting energy sources, ensure a reliable and consumer-friendly electric system, reduce pollution to our air, land and water, and safeguard the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other wild places, said the groups. The groups releasing the report, including U.S. PIRG, Sierra Club, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Natural Resources Defense Council, called on senators to oppose efforts to drill in our last pristine wilderness areas, in particular the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and block further attempts to pollute this bill with special interest handouts. The groups also called on senators to ensure that any energy bill that emerges from the Senate solves, rather than exacerbates, our nation's overall energy problems.

With a vote on drilling the pristine Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other energy issues expected when the Senate returns from the Spring Recess, the coalition highlighted the following amendments in evaluating the Senate's progress on energy policy:

  • Polluting Sources of Energy: Despite the fact that no sound solution exists for dealing with deadly radioactive waste from nuclear power plants, the Senate voted 78 to 21 on an amendment by Senator Voinovich (R-OH) to extend the life of dirty and dangerous nuclear power by using taxpayer dollars to extend liability insurance to the industry in case of a catastrophic nuclear accident. It also unanimously passed an amendment by Senator Craig (R-ID) to use taxpayer dollars to construct new nuclear plants by 2010.

  • Automobile Miles Per Gallon Standards (CAFE): By a vote of 62-38, the Senate passed an amendment offered by Senators Levin (D-MI) and Bond (R-MO) to strip the only provision to significantly reduce our dependence on foreign oil-increased fuel economy standards. According to the Union of Concerned Scientist, by 2015 consumers could have saved at least $4 billion at the gas pump every year from vehicles that went further on a gallon of gasoline. The amendment also compromises public safety by striking vehicle safety standards from the energy bill. Another amendment by Senator Miller (D-GA) actually weakens current law by creating a new loophole that exempts pickup trucks from any future increases in fuel economy standards.

  • Renewable Energy Standards: By a vote of 70-29, the Senate rejected an amendment by Senator Jeffords (I-VT) to increase the percentage of electricity generated from renewable sources to 20 percent by 2020, passing up a golden opportunity to create jobs and protect the environment. Senators later rejected efforts by Senator Kyl (R-AZ) and Murkowski (R-AK) to strip or gut the renewable portfolio standard in the underlying bill, but accepted an amendment by Senator Bingaman (D-NM) that weakens the renewable standard and could encourage more toxic mercury-emitting garbage incinerators and logging in our national forests.

  • Weaken Drinking Water Protections: Senators Bingaman (D-NM) and Inhofe (R-OK) offered an amendment that weakens Safe Drinking Water Act requirements in order to expand oil and gas exploration and development. One of the techniques used in drilling wells for oil and gas exploration and extraction is injection of water, sand, and toxic chemicals, which can pollute underground sources of drinking water. In effect, the Bingaman-Inhofe amendment blocks regulation of this dangerous practice for the duration of new studies and potentially permanently, despite the fact that the courts have ruled that environmental protections should be put in place.

The Senate leadership has announced plans to complete action on the energy bill when it returns from its two-week recess on April 9. At that time, it will likely take up the issue of drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Pointing to U.S. Geological Survey data that demonstrates that the refuge would produce, at current consumption, only six months worth of oil that would not reach the Lower 48 for ten years, U.S. PIRG's Aurilio said, "The Senate's next test after the recess will be a vote on drilling the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. To study for this test, they should listen to the overwhelming majority of Americans, who oppose drilling and support protecting this national treasure."

"The Senate should pass an energy bill that protects America's special places like the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, reduces our dependence on foreign oil by cutting oil consumption, mitigates our over-reliance on fossil fuels and nuclear power for electricity by significantly increasing generation from clean renewable sources, and decreases pollution to our air, land and water," said Aurilio. "If the Senate does anything short of that, it fails to make the grade, and fails the American public."

U.S. PIRG is the national lobby office for the state Public Interest Research Groups. State PIRGs are non-profit, non-partisan public interest advocacy groups.

Sierra Club is America's largest and oldest grassroots environmental organization with over 700,000 members nationwide. Sierra Club's mission is to explore, enjoy and protect the Earth.

The Natural Resources Defense Council is a national, non-profit organization of scientists, lawyers and environmental specialists dedicated to protecting public health and the environment. Founded in 1970, NRDC has more than 500,000 members nationwide, served from offices in New York, Washington, Los Angeles and San Francisco.

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