CAFE Fuels Standards
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Carl Pope Comment on CAFE Vote

Increased CAFE Standards 
Could Slow Global Warming

Statement of Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope on the Defeat of Tough CAFE Standards ... I am ashamed.

Download Briefing Book on Facts on CAFE Standards (PDF 412kb)

By Jennifer Hickman

"Raising CAFE standards is the single biggest step we can take to curb global warming." That is the phrase we all had permanently engrained into our heads the weekend of May 5th — 7th at a Sierra Club Global Warming Training Event in Washington, D.C. We were given an overwhelming amount of information, while at the same time I felt more motivated than ever before to work towards preventing all the irreversible disasters that will result from the warming of our planet.

Gas prices are on the rise all across the country, and we need to get more people talking about CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy). While the media and consumers, especially in the Midwest, are screaming about gas prices - we have a great opportunity to turn the public eye on getting cleaner cars. Driving clean cars that use less gas won’t only save us money, but will also slash our dependence on foreign oil, and protect the planet that we will leave our kids from further global warming. With increased energy security, and less global warming, we’ll all be able to breathe easier.

In 1975, Congress passed the CAFE law to conserve oil and improve the nation’s gas mileage. It is the most successful energy-saving law ever passed, saving three million barrels of oil each day by doubling car fuel economy. Despite numerous technological advances in the auto industry, the recent boom in SUVs, and other light trucks, has eroded fuel economy to its lowest level since 1980.

Right now, the automakers have the technology to make cars that burn less gas. These cleaner cars could save us as much as 55,000 at the gas pump over the lifetime of a car or light truck. But the automakers have been using their political clout for years to block any attempts to even study the need to raise miles per gallon standards. The Senate, however, has begun to loosen the automakers strangle hold on miles per gallon standards. New legislation authorizes the government to studs’ how to make cars and SUVs go further on a gallon of gas. This is our chance to make sure that we take the biggest single step to curbing global warming and saving oil!

A recent U.S. Senate decision jumpstarts the process of increasing fuel economy for cars and light trucks in the United States. With Americans feeling the pinch of high gas prices, fuel economy at its lowest level since 1980 and rising pollution, the Senate mandated that the U.S. Department of Transportation and the National Academy of Sciences study and recommend stronger CAFE standards. This agreement, when finalized by both the House and the Senate in the final funding bill, would remove part of the rider that for the last five years has barred the agency from even studying the possibility of raising miles-per-gallon standards. The Senate reached this agreement when it became apparent that the Gorton/Bryan/Feinstein effort to strike the anti-CAFE rider had achieved widespread support among Senators.

The mandated study is au unexpected ic ton but the fight is not over. In recent months Senators heard from thousands of constituents who supported raising CAFE standards to save money, cut pollution and end dependence on foreign oil. We now all the support we can get from our Minnesota Representatives. Please contact your Rep and let him/her know you support raising CAFE standards. They need to hear from their constituents!

If you are interested in working on our global warming campaign, please come to the next International Committee meeting. The meetings are the second Wednesday of the month from 7 pm to 9 p.m. in room 101 at the U Tech Center.


Contact Brett Smith at for more details. If you aren’t able to make it to a meeting, please feel free to contact me at for more information on the campaign.


Page Last Update November 03, 2002 .