Documentation, Papers,
and Publications![](Redline.jpg)
Here you will find documentation for our project, including our NSF grant proposals,
the protocols used for our interviews, and some supplemental information about
the legislative process. We also make available all conference papers we have
presented, information about our book, and a public-release version of the datasets
that underlie our analysis. These data have been cleaned to protect the anonymity
of our respondents.
Find out more about our book, Lobbying and Policy Change
Get a copy of public-release data. Note these allow you to recreate all the
analyses in our book, but the data have been revised to protect the confidentiality
of our respondents. That means that a few observations have been deleted from
the datasets in the case of very small sides where one could identify the individual
actors, and that certain variables which were collected solely from confiential
interviews have been deleted. However, these datasets contain the vast bulk
of our data including all that was publicly available.
Grant proposals and research materials that give the background to the project:
- The original NSF grant proposal, "Collaborative
Research on Lobbying," from January 15, 1999 provides information on the
theoretical background, the research questions, and the sampling and technical
procedures used.
- The second NSF grant proposal, "Lobbying
and Issue-Definition," from January 15, 2001 which provides information
on our accomplishments, plans for additional data collection as part of our
continued work on this project for the next three years, and more theoretical
justification for the study.
- Our interview protocols, listing
the exact questions we asked in our interviews.
- A detailed description of the internet
search procedures that our coders use when they conduct our searches for
publicly available information concerning our cases.
Papers and publications drawn from our project or using its data:
- Hojnacki, Marie, Kathleen M. Marchetti, Frank R. Baumgartner, Jeffrey M. Berry, David C. Kimball, and Beth L. Leech. 2015. Assessing Business Advantage in Washington Lobbying. Interest Groups and Advocacy, forthcoming.
- Mahoney, Christine and Frank R. Baumgartner. 2015. Partners in Advocacy: Lobbyists and Government Officials in the Policy Process. Journal of Politics 77, 1: 202–15. Click here for the on-line appendix, showing alternative statistical models demonstrating the robustness of our findings. Click here for the Stata do-file used to conduct all the analysis in the file. Click here for the avocate-level Stata database. Click here for the side-level database, also in Stata format. Note that because of confidentiality agreements with those we interviewed, material resource information and any identifying information is deleted from the advocate-level database. The database includes the aggregate resource index, and all the side- and issue-level variables, however. The side-level database is complete.
- Baumgartner, Frank R., Jeffrey M. Berry, Marie Hojnacki, David C. Kimball, and Beth L. Leech. 2014. Money, Priorities, and Stalemate: How Lobbying Affects Public Policy. Election Law Journal 13, 1: 194–209.
- Kimball, David C., Frank R. Baumgartner, Jeffrey M. Berry, Marie Hojnacki, Beth L. Leech, and Bryce Summary. 2012. Who Cares About the Lobbying Agenda? Interest Groups and Advocacy 1, 1: 1–21.
- Hojnacki, Marie, David C. Kimball, Frank R. Baumgartner, Jeffrey M. Berry,
and Beth L. Leech. 2012. Studying
Organizational Advocacy and Influence: Reexamining Interest Group Research. Annual Review of Political Science 15: 9.1-9.21.
- Advocates and Interest Representation in Policy Debates. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington,
DC, Sept 1-4 2010. (Marie Hojnacki, Kathleen Marchetti, Frank R. Baumgartner,
Jeffrey M. Berry, David C. Kimball, and Beth L. Leech) Click here for the
paper and here for the
- Advocacy Behavior
and Conflict Expansion in Policy Debates. Prepared for delivery at the
Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston, MA,
August 28-August 31, 2008. (Marie Hojnacki, Frank R. Baumgartner, Jeffrey
M. Berry, David C. Kimball, and Beth L. Leech.)
- Washington: The Real
No-Spin Zone. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political
Science Association, Chicago IL, August 30-September 2, 2007. (Jeff Berry,
Frank Baumgartner, Marie Hojnacki, Beth Leech, and David Kimball)
- Does Money Buy
Power? Interest Group Resources and Policy Outcomes. Paper presented at
the annual meetings of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago,
IL, April 12-15, 2076. (Beth Leech, Frank Baumgartner, Jeffrey Berry, Marie
Hojnacki, and David Kimball).
- Goals, Salience, and the Nature
of Advocacy. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political
Science Association, Philadelphia, PA, August 30-September 2, 2006. (Marie
Hojnacki, Frank Baumgartner, Jeffrey Berry, David Kimball, and Beth Leech).
- The Structure
of Policy Conflict. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest
Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 20-23, 2006. (Frank Baumgartner,
Jeffrey Berry, Marie Hojnacki, David Kimball, and Beth Leech).
- The Structure
of Opposition in Public Policy Debate. Paper presented at the annual meetings
of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 15-18, 2004.
(Marie Hojnacki).
- Drawing Lobbyists
to Washington: Government Activity and Interest-Group Mobilization. Political
Research Quarterly 58, 1 (March 2005): 19-30. (Beth L. Leech, Frank R.
Baumgartner, Timothy La Pira, and Nicholas A. Semanko.)
- The Demand Side of Lobbying:
Government Attention and Mobilization of Organized Interests. Paper presented
at the annual meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago,
Illinois, April 25-28, 2002. (Beth Leech, Frank Baumgartner, Timothy La Pira,
and Nicholas Semanko)
- Gaining Government Allies: Groups,
Officials, and Alliance Behavior. Paper presented at the annual meeting
of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, April 25-28,
2002. (Frank Baumgartner and Christine Mahoney)
- Issue Advocacy and Interest-Group
Influence. Paper presented at the First General Conference, European Consortium
for Political Research, University of Kent at Canterbury, England, September
6-8, 2001. (Frank Baumgartner, Jeffrey Berry, Marie Hojnacki, David Kimball,
and Beth Leech)
- Advocacy and Policy Argumentation.
Paper presented at the annual meetings of the American Political Science Association,
Washington, DC, August 30-September 3, 2000. (Frank Baumgartner, Jeffrey Berry,
Marie Hojnacki, David Kimball, and Beth Leech)
- The Changing Process of Direct
Lobbying. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Midwest Political
Science Association, Chicago, IL, April 27-30, 2000. (Marie Hojnacki).
Some of the material discussed in the case files refers to some obscure or
technical legislative vocabulary. Two useful sources of help are some vocabulary
of the legislative process and an overview
of the legislative process, both of which come from the Library of Congress'
Thomas website.
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