Agency Activities, Regulation of Internet Prescriptions

This page provides links to or copies of materials gathered from federal agencies involved in the issue. Where applicable, we include such things as regulatory amendments, proposed new regulations, information about regulatory procedures and news releases from executive branch agencies. We provide both a link to the main page of the agency concerned as well as a copy of the pages relating to the issue that we found in our searches. Because we want to keep information concerning each of our cases for an archive, we copied their pages during the period of research. Included with each page title is the original URL from which we retrieved the information. Note that some of these original URLs may not work because the group has updated or changed its website.

External Links to:

Internal Archive for the Department of Commerce, downloaded on 5/9/02:

Internal Archive for the Department of Justice, downloaded on 5/14/02:

Internal Archive for the Drug Enforcement Agency, downloaded on 5/15/02:

Internal Archive for the Federal Trade Commission, downloaded on 5/15/02:

Internal Archive for the Food and Drug Administration, downloaded on 5/15/02:

Internal Archive for General Accounting Office, downloaded on 5/15/02:

Internal Archive for the U.S. Customs Service, downloaded on 5/15/02:

Internal Archive for the National Institute of Health, downloaded on 5/16/02:

Internal Archive for the United States Trade Representative, downloaded on 5/16/02: