Political Science 203
Race, Innocence, and the End of the Death Penalty
Since moving to UNC-Chapel Hill, Baumgartner has taught a course on the decline of the death penalty, partially based on the research he started for his 2008 book, The Decline of the Death Penalty and the Discovery of Innocence. Here are links to the course web site over time, including syllabi, readings, lecutre notes (slides) and other resources.
Each semester, with the financial assistance of the Richard J. Richardson Distinguished Professorship, Baumgartner has organized an 8-part speakers series in conjunction with the class. In Fall 2010, the speakers came to class but beginning in 2013 the events have been required for students taking the class, but open to the community as well.
Because this book was written with the help of the Richard J. Richardson Distinguished Professorship and integrates teaching with research, all of the royalties generated by the book have been directed to the Department of Political Science at UNC-Chapel Hill. Any revenues will be used to enhance undergraduate education in the Department.