Bill Information, Steel Safegaurd

This page contains information taken from the Library of Congress' Thomas website concerning bills related to the issue. Often there are many versions of a bill listed; this may be because the bill was amended during the legislative process; because there were competing versions of the bill being debated simultaneously; because the House and Senate versions of the bill differed, etc. The bill summary file contains information about committee action, bill status, and co-sponsors. Bill text links you to the full text of the bill itself. In those cases where the bill is extremely lengthy, as when the issue concerns some small part of an annual budget appropriation for example, we also include only the relevant section of the bills. Bills are listed by number.

If you encounter unfamiliar terminology, please consult our links to the left to the legislative vocabulary and an overview of the legislative process.

House of Representatives Bill 16:

House of Representatives Bill 1988:

House of Representatives Bill 3559:

House of Representatives Bill 3982:

House of Representatives Bill 4574:

House of Representatives Bill 4646:

House of Representatives Bill 507:

House of Representatives Bill 808:

Senate Bill 1884:

Senate Bill 2189:

Senate Bill 910:

Senate Bill 957:

Senate Bill 979: