Congressional Statements, Providing Health Insurance for the Uninsured

Here you will find materials related to this issue from members of Congress. We provide two primary types of information. First, we provide copies of statements made by individual members on the floor of the Senate and House, as recorded in the Congressional Record in the Library of Congress' Thomas website. Sometimes, floor debate may occur where several members exchange ideas for an extended period of time. To indicate such debates, we name the files according the name of the first person to speak with the addendum "et al." to indicate that multiple members of Congress were involved. These files are often more than one page in length; we number the pages in chronological order for convenience. Second, we provide materials from individual member's homepages. This material may include press releases, information sheets, information about legislation introduced, etc. We provide the original URL of this material in parentheses next to each link. Please note, however, that these links may cease to function as members may change their website at any time. Additionally, we also provide relevant information from caucuses (eg, Hispanic Caucus, Blue Dog Democrats, etc) or individual committees as appropriate.

Because of the size of this issue, the search for Congressional statements yielded too many documents to be saved. The documents below represent a random sample of the total number of those that were relevant. The Thomas search yielded approximately 63 relevant documents.

Statements from the Congressional Record:

Statements from Individual Member Websites, downloaded on 3/21/02: